Friday, February 25, 2011

I haven't forgotten

I haven't posted my day 7 picture, but I swear I did take one. I actually went out in the freezing cold yesterday, walked down to science world to play with some long exposure shots. My shutter release jammed and I had to take my gloves off and I think I almost lost a few fingers. BRRRRRRR!

So I will be away on the island for the next few days, and will not be able to post any photos, but I'll still be taking them to post when I get back.

I really dont like the layout of this blog, the pictures dont' post big enough, so I'm moving over to this blog. Check it out if you have a chance:

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day Six

Tomato Pesto Linguine with Prawns and asparagus. First attempt with external flash control.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Five

---70 second exposure. View from my balcony towards yaletown.

There have been many things I've always wanted to learn to do with my camera, but alas, my inertia invariably got in the way every single time. Even in learning this new long exposure technique I'm too lazy to go outside and find an appropriate location to take a better picture. Instead I opted for my pj's and my balcony. But anyways, the point is, I'm actually trying out some new techniques in doing this 30 day photo project and it feels good! I've always wanted to take a long exposure shot over the water to get that misty, mysterious vibe. Maybe in the next 30 days I can finally get my shot :) I have lots of practicing to do to get a decent long exposure shot but I'm looking forward to it.

Next stop I will be learning how to use flash lighting with an umbrella! Thanks Conrad for lending me your gear

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day Four

I got a parking ticket after work today. It was raining/snowing and miserable, I was hungry and tired. In other words, I was wrapped up in my own little world. When I saw the ticket, I started thinking what a crappy day it was, and how bad my luck was. Then something happened. A stranger in a coffee shop ran out into the cold rainy street and let me know I dropped something. Turns out what I dropped was an extremely important part of a piece of equipment I had just borrowed from a friend. He could have easily sat in the warm comfortable coffee shop and continued sipping on his latte paying no mind to what I had dropped. Something so small he probably had no idea it was important. Instead he came out into the rain, picked up what I had dropped and chased me down to return to me a kick in the butt to reality. I thanked him profusely and felt ashamed at how I so easily flew into a negative state of mind. The parking ticket was entirely my own fault, my day wasn't at all that horrible considering I have a job, an apartment, and people I love, so why so grumpy?

Sometimes the universe gives you a friendly reminder that things could be a lot worse.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day Three

Coco is turns 5 months today! Hopeful eyes waiting on a treat.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day Two

Coco graduated from puppy kindergarten today. To celebrate, we took her to Spanish banks to play in one of her favourite things... sand.

It was the first gorgeous day in a long time. Not a drop of rain, clear blue skies, but cold as hell!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day One

Our office is undergoing some much needed renos in the next couple months and I never really realized this before, but I've never actually thought of my office as "my" office. There is a 24X36 poster size calendar on the wall from the previous HR manager for vacations scheduled in... yes.. 2008. It's been over 2 years since I took over this position and I have yet to take it down. Everything posted on the corkboard behind my desk is also "inherited" from Vance. I've barely changed one thing in the more than 2 years I've occupied that office. I looked at my office today and realized exactly how ugly it is. Our carpet hasn't been changed since the building was erected thirty years ago, the blinds are filthy and likely hasn't been cleaned in the same three decades. Don't get me started on the paint job. Maybe I never committed to my job 100% or ever saw myself as a permanent part of the company, but now is a good time to start making my office.. well mine. Fresh office, fresh attitude.

The workstation below is my coworker Nat's. This is our daytime home. Pixel monkey vs. payroll monkey. Note the large bowl of chinese food take-out we had at a meeting earlier this week. It's been feeding our staff for three days.

Ok so I know this is a really poor attempt at a day one photo, but gimme a break, it's Friday and I didn't have much time to take photos!

the one a day for the lazy

A photo a day for 365 days. one year. My camera having largely sat on the shelf collecting dust since my asia trip was telling me she needed some exercise. She wanted to see the world around her and not just my puppy, Coco. She wanted to live a little and see a lot.

Ok so 365 days, who am I kidding, that's not going to happen. Even 30 days seems like a large task at this point. But let's give it a shot (or thirty) and see where it goes. I cannot imagine that I will have 30 shots that are worth posting, but that's my challenge to myself !

So a photo a day for 30 days. one month. Here we go. Photo to follow.